Wednesday 27 January 2021

LO2 2.2 SWOT Analysis & The Apprenticeship Route

L02 2.2 SWOT Analysis

One way of identifying and correcting the strengths/weaknesses of any work is by carrying out an honest SWOT Analysis- This tool allows you to identify any Strengths (S), Weaknesses (W), Opportunities (O)  and Threats (T) contained in the work/ content that you are analysing.

Here is an example of myself using SWOT analysis in order to determine the Pros and Cons of a piece of my work.

SWOT Analysis:


  • Bold, Contrasted writing.
  • Large Images, Easy to see.
  • Good Contrast in colours.
  • Aesthetically pleasing.
  • Good layout.
  • Due to some image placement, may be difficult to read around shapes.
  • Some text size may be too small.
  • Not a finished piece of work, only a mock-up of what it would have been.
  • I can use this layout and mock up for future pieces of work.
  • I can use the weaknesses to remind myself what to change in future.
  • Good use of image in text, usable in the future with different images.
  • As i have used images without permission/ copyright availability. It would cause a problem if i wanted to use those images for my own benefit and not just for school work and educational purposes.
The Apprenticeship Route
'Jonny cannot make up his mind whether to go to university or complete an apprenticeship with an employer. He is looking to eventually work in the digital media industry. Can you produce an outline report for Jonny detailing what he needs to do to follow the apprenticeship route?' 

An apprenticeship is a system for training a new generation of people and aspiring graduates in a trade or profession with on-the-job training and often some including days or periods of study (potentially 3 days on the job site and 2 days in College or University learning and studying). Apprenticeships will enable the apprentice/ practitioner to gain a license to practice in the regulated profession (e.g. plumbing, tiling etc), while gaining valuable lessons by shadowing a professional in the field at first, and then starting to learn themselves by taking on tasks independently. is a useful website when considering the apprenticeship route, this is due the fact that you can search any available apprenticeship and narrow it down to suit you, this is done through filters when searching through the use of key words, location, to make it more regional or local for yourself, the distance you willing to travel so it can suit your needs and also has a disability confident filter, to fit those who may have physical impairments which unfortunately can lead to them being at a disadvantage to those who are more fortunate than them. This can be a key route for Jonny as he can decide what type of apprenticeship is right for him and therefore what level he would like to do, ranging all the way from intermediate to degree level. is a valuable site as it portrays what is expected to create abilities and ability and put resources into the fate of UK screen - Screen Skills is the 'industry-drove abilities body for the screen businesses - film, TV, VFX (special visualizations), activity and games. They are supporting the countries and locals by putting resources into the gifted and comprehensive force who are basic to the UK screen ventures 'worldwide achievement'. This will be very advantageous as it will assist Jonny with researching the Apprenticeship course for the computerized media industry. Screens execute expects to; Help to distinguish ability holes (present and future) across the screen businesses and the entire of the nation to give a proof dependent on interest in abilities and training. Providing vocations data, planning and quality-stamping proficient pathways to improve passage level variety and work availability and Supports advancement at each phase of an expert profession in screen including through tutoring and offering bursaries.

1 comment:

  1. Great to see you using your DPS as an example here and analysing it. Great work.
