Wednesday 20 January 2021

LO1. 1.1 What is a personal media profile?

A personal media profile is another form of a digital portfolio, but rather than just showcasing content, it may well contain testimonials, blogs or experiences which are relevant to the sector the profile is aimed at.  A personal media profile is represented as a digital form of a portfolio, which may showcase audio visuals as a film reel, or a collation of photos you have previously taken, it’s initial meaning of a personal media profile is to forecast your creative potential and content to it’s employer. A social media profile relates to having a Facebook, Instagram etc profile, which in this context relates to personal and social content, with no reference to employment purposes and focuses more on an audience.

Why do I need a personal media profile?

I need a personal media profile throughout my two years studying Digital Media, this is due to the fact that it can show progression throughout our years of study, starting from the start and how we have developed our analysis and attitude towards the subject. This is beneficial to us as it can also show people how we have developed, while also keeping a personal calendar of what we have done to date.

Strengths and Weaknesses of Digital Portfolios


  • ·         Easily accessible, available to see on any device at any time.
  • ·         Work can be shown up to date and at high quality.
  • ·         Digital work can be displayed in a variety of interesting and interactive ways.
  • ·         Huge range of media sectors to be used (video, images, etc).


  • ·         May require knowledge about building and designing websites, especially if wanting to make more interesting and aesthetically pleasing layouts.
  • ·         Has to be regularly updated, unless it will fall behind.
  • ·         Some work is best seen physically and easily grasped in person.

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