Sunday 8 March 2020

Types of Propositional Messaging...Unit 20

4 types of Propositional Messaging.

-Those that establish a common ground- The producer needs an audience to trust their product. therefore, they need to convince the audience that they are on their side. A relationship is created that is seen to be of mutual benefit.

-Those that fulfil a need- Rather than simply wanting a product, the audience is led to believe that they need it. An example of this is Apple, they use perceived obsolescence to make people believe that they need the newest phone, when in reality the phone they have is completely fine.

-Those that offer a solution to a problem- that is whether an audience know they have a problem or not, a good example of this is toothpaste, people will believe that they have all sorts of teeth or gum related problems that certain types or toothpaste will solve.

-Those that offer a clear benefit- This is the type of Advertising that will make you thinner, better looking, less stressed etc. Many beauty and diet products have used this type of advertising.

1 comment:

  1. Ajay can you show examples of each propositional message in an advert to show concrete knowledge of these four areas.

    Do you have the redbull answers in your book?
    Pop weblinks up to adverts and answer questions on this post also please.

    Mrs McD-H
