Wednesday 21 April 2021

Unit 3 West Derby Football Culture Awards...P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, M1, M2, M3, M4, D1 Evidence

P1 - My Proposal 

P2 - Evidence: Thumbnails and Working Roughs

P3 - Gantt Chart

This shows the Gantt Chart throughout the weeks of production with my product, it allows me to plan effective work timeframes, helping me meet deadlines on time and finish work with full potential. It shows that I have effectively worked out my time well and completed all deadlines.

P4- Leaflet/ Poster 1 - Initial Ideas

This shows the Poster that I have decided to use as the image used on the Official Instagram as the Voting Image, this allows me to give more differentiation to my campaign by creating more in depth and aesthetically pleasing diagrams within my campaign. Further on, you will find the final poster used for my campaign that I will distribute to help develop attraction to my campaign.


This is the final poster/ leaflet in promoting the campaign, I used a sleek and modern finish to promote a more modernised look to the leaflet, the contrasting black and white colours will catch the eye of on lookers, grappling attention and drawing them to my campaign.

The use of the black and white colours also promotes the anti racism campaign used by the Official Premier League, this allows my campaign to also give a positive ethos in helping with the anti-racism campaign in order to abolish racial discrimination.

P5 - Distribution

My product will be distributed to the public through printing pages of the poster/leaflet and posting them around the city region so that any member of the public passing by will potentially see it. Social media will be a big way of distributing the product because it is a cost-effective way of advertising as it is free to have an account. Social media allows for the brand awareness to increase and also for the exposure of the event and the reasons behind why I am creating this campaign and making an event out of it.

M1 - Reasons for Design of Website

The reason I created the website with that design is because I wanted an easily navigable, with a clear set layout so everyone can understand and use it. The use of links to other pages allows users of the website to look further into what my campaign is really about and why I am doing it. 

My website also links to the Instagram, this allows people to share and get involved with my campaign through sharing, commenting, voting which massively boosts the promotion of the campaign.

Reasons for the Sponsors

Teaming up with Sports Direct is huge for my campaign, Sports Direct have decided to join me on my venture to bring light to the West Derby Grassroots Football by donating equipment such as; Football Kits, Shin Pads, Football Boots, Training Equipment and Footballs This helps me in achieving the objective of halving the annual expenditure Grassroot football players have to pay, by helping with equipment costs.

Teaming up with Delta Taxi also helps me in my aim to lower the annual expenditure by grassroots football players, this will help me lower transport prices to and from football, Delta have offered a 30% discount to anyone using there services as a form of transport to and from football, which is a huge amount considering the amount of money this will help players save annually.

Pins Social Club have offered to sponsor my campaign, this means they will help with the catering of the event, including food and drinks. They have also offered their facilities as a venue of socialisation for grassroots football players which is one of the biggest annual expenditures by the players, in doing this Pins Social Club have helped massively with the annual expenditure.


I created my website for the reason that it gives people who need information about my campaign a place to find out everything about it, providing easy links to socials to gain access to the voting system, allowing them to vote via the comment section on each post. The colour scheme of the website took a while to decide, I ended up choosing Red & Blue. This is because as it is a Liverpool campaign first and foremost and it is entirely based around the beautiful game known as football. The two biggest teams in the city are Liverpool & Everton who's home colours are Red & Blue, which gives it a more local feeling for the website.

M2 - Evidence

Legal and Ethical issues of my campaign that I have considered are that during my promotion for my campaign and my awards night, any music/ images I use the cannot be, in any way, offensive or misleading - I have ensured these issues don't occur, by making sure that the products both meet the aims and their purpose. Also, I have made sure that non of the content used is discriminative or at all biased. The West Derby Culture Awards is a campaign aimed for all people, of different ideologies, race, age and gender. To finish of the legal and ethical considerations, I have also made sure that the campaign abides by the ASA (Advertising Standards Agency) legislation, as well as their age-certification system.

M3 - Evidence

Some of the software I have used to create the content for my campaign and my website was Photoshop, I used Photoshop as it allowed me to fully portray my ideas of the logo I wanted to make and in creating it the colour scheme of the logo for the Instagram awards system.

I used the colour gold as it is a very valuable material, and I wanted to used a direct correlation to the colour gold and how valuable it is to convey to my audience to show how valuable my campaign it to the people of the grassroot community. 

I also used Wix to create my website, In using Wix it allowed me to create an easily navigable, easily understandable and a modernized looking website which was pleasant to the naked eye. Wix gave me the use of buttons and the use of hyperlinks to allow me to link to socials such as the Instagram which I have used as the platform of voting through the comment sections under the images posted.

M3 & M4 Evidence

I massively focused on feedback this time round in the improvement of my campaign, using the feedback from my last presentation through training feedback with survey monkey. I wanted to improve my website and create a more navigable and understandable website, showing a more modernised look to account for my target audience and to meet the aims of the brief. In my website I used buttons to link all the socials of the content, ranging from Instagram socials of our speakers all the way to hotel bookings to accommodate the people potentially travelling from afar for the awards ceremony. This allowed me to create a more aesthetically pleasing logo and website to the naked eye and In doing this I believe I have improved my presentation massively.

D1 - Evidence 

The strengths of my campaign through feedback I have received and through opinions of my own are things such as, I have portrayed my aims and reasonings for my campaign very well and it was easily understandable, using hyperlinks to all the socials etc. helping people navigate the website easily. Also that my campaign is in no way shape or form bias or discriminative, this is proven in the fact that I have accommodated for all ideologies, race, age and gender, allowing everyone to feel involved as one throughout the whole campaign in what I’m attempting to achieve. 

The weaknesses of my initial presentation of what I was attempting to achieve have now been tackled, these varied from needing a more easily navigable way of showing my ideas and reasoning, which has now been tackled with the creation of my website and the feedback I have received on that. Displaying a more content gathered and focused information on what I am trying to achieve.


Giroux views show how the youth are mistreated within the media. Describing them as an empty category which shows that adults do not really understand what it is like to be a youth in this generation, therefore they project their own ideas of what they believe the representation is. This is one of the main reasons why I am creating this campaign because we want to get rid of this ideology of the youth and one way of tackling this is getting them off the streets and get them involved with a new community, being grassroot football.

My Final Website

Instagram Link

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