Thursday 10 October 2019

Text as Brush Unit 20

For the first one, I played around with colours first and then decided to do the colours of the Masthead as brush as the Germany flag, i did this by first using the Horizontal mask text tool and then typing out masthead, secondly I defined the brush as a preset and named it Masthead, then i selected the brush tool and chose the Masthead preset and created the Germany flag using different colours.

For the second one, I used the same steps as the first one, but wanted to play around with colours and angles so i chose loads of random colours and angles and played around with it for abit and came up with that pattern. I will continue to play around with this tool and get better with it and make more things with it and post it on blogger.  

1 comment:

  1. this is the higher end of the functionality of PS- you have linked back to the work we did in images into text in your test into image - the commentary still not in depth, it explains the process briefly but doesn't explain the exploration or design choices.
